Boulder County domestic violence case dismissed at arraignment phase.
Misdemeanor domestic violence case in Douglas County dismissed at arraignment phase.
Domestic violence stalking charge dismissed three days before trial based on presentation of defense evidence.
Denver County case for drug distribution dismissed after defense filing of motions and the presentation of defense evidence to the prosecution.
Client in Boulder County investigated for failure to report abuse. No charges filed after presentation of defense evidence.
Client charged with felony domestic violence in Adams County accepts plea deal for a deferred sentence.
Client charged with criminal mischief in Adams County. Client completes diversion classes and case is dismissed.
Client in Douglas County charged with DUI, Fake ID, and Minor in Possession of Alcohol – resolves after going to motions with plea to open alcohol container in vehicle and MIP.
Client will not be charged after investigation for serious traffic offenses.
Client in Adams County charged with assault in the third degree found not guilty at trial.
Boulder County felony Identity Theft was referred for diversion before the first appearance.
Second Degree Assault charge in Weld County resolves with a plea to a deferred sentence.