Denver Title IX Defense Lawyer
Defending College Students Accused of Title IX Violations
As a criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor with nearly a decade of experience, I offer powerful legal representation to college students in Denver, Boulder, and the surrounding areas who have been accused of Title IX violations. Title IX is a federal law that prohibits gender discrimination in education, including sexual harassment and assault. While this law has been instrumental in protecting the rights of students, it has also been the subject of controversy and legal challenges.
Accused of a Title IX violation in Denver, CO? Call (303) 562-1131 or contact my firm online to speak with a Title IX defense lawyer near you.
What Is Title IX?
Title IX prohibits gender discrimination in educational programs or activities that receive federal funding. It was enacted in 1972 as part of the Education Amendments Act and has since been expanded to include protection against sexual harassment and assault. Under Title IX, colleges and universities are required to respond promptly and effectively to reports of sexual misconduct and to take steps to prevent it from occurring—or they could lose their funding.
Title IX violations can take many forms, including:
- Unwanted sexual advances
- Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
- Sexual assault
- Discrimination
- Retaliation against individuals who report incidents of sexual misconduct
Understanding Your Rights Under Title IX
Being accused of a Title IX violation can have serious consequences, including suspension or expulsion from college and damage to one's reputation. That is why it is important to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney like myself to protect your rights and interests. I offer free consultations to students accused of Title IX violations and can provide legal representation throughout the investigation and disciplinary process.
As a Denver Title IX defense lawyer, I can help students by:
- Conducting a thorough investigation into the allegations
- Examining the evidence at hand
- Developing a defense strategy that can minimize the potential consequences
- Negotiating with the college or university on behalf of my clients
- Advocating for their rights throughout the process
With my experience and expertise, I can work toward the best possible outcome in your case. When you need a Title IX defense lawyer near you, turn to our Denver defense attorneys.
Schedule your free consultation today! Our Denver Title IX defense lawyers serve clients in Denver, Boulder, and beyond.