In addition to crimes involving violent or otherwise directly harmful conduct like assault, murder, and theft, law enforcement authorities in Colorado also take a very harsh approach towards “white-collar” crimes. These non-violent and typically financially motivated offenses often carry lengthy prison sentences and steep fines upon conviction, not to mention various administrative sanctions that could end your current career and alter the trajectory of your entire life with or without a conviction.
Put simply, being accused of a white-collar crime is a uniquely serious matter with exceptionally high stakes. In a scenario like that, you should not put your future in the hands of anyone except a highly qualified and dependable defense attorney. By working closely with a Denver white collar defense lawyer who has experience handling cases like yours from both sides of the courtroom, you will give yourself the best possible chances of securing a favorable case result while minimizing additional stress for yourself and your family.
The colloquial term “white-collar crime” comes from the fact that these offenses are often committed by people with white-collar jobs and generally no prior criminal record. Examples of crimes that often fit into this category include:
Investigations of offenses like these tend to focus much less on forensic evidence like fingerprints and crime scene analysis and much more on exhaustive research into financial documentation and private conversations between parties involved in the alleged criminal scheme. They also often involve input from federal law enforcement authorities in addition to state-level ones, which—as any experienced Denver white collar defense attorney could affirm—could potentially lead to charges being pursued at the federal level. Federal offenses may have substantially harsher penalties attached to them than their state-level equivalents.
Naturally, there is no one-size-fits-all defense strategy for effectively handling white-collar criminal allegations. With that in mind, many cases of this nature revolve around establishing knowledge and intent on the part of the defendant. In other words, it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they knew they were defrauding or otherwise acting illegally towards another person and that they intended to derive a personal financial benefit at the expense of that person or people targeted by their criminal act.
Accordingly, successful defenses against this sort of allegation often focus on contesting the prosecution’s case that there was criminal intent behind the defendant’s actions or showing that they only acted under duress because of pressure from someone with power over them. A white-collar defense lawyer in Denver could also provide vital assistance, ensuring that no evidence gathered through an unlawful “search and seizure” is admitted in court since that would constitute a violation of the defendant’s Fourth Amendment rights.
Building a strong defense against allegations of “white-collar” crimes can present challenges and complexities that no other type of criminal case does. Even if you have a broad understanding of what you have been charged with and why, effectively contesting that charge can be next to impossible without the support of a knowledgeable defense attorney.
Fortunately, you have help available from a Denver white-collar defense lawyer who was previously a senior deputy district attorney and has taken part in over 90 criminal cases, representing both the prosecution and the defense. Call today to schedule a confidential consultation.